Event Fishka Cinema-Club: Shpion (Spy)

Fishka Cinema-Club: Shpion (Spy)


Superman, Spiderman, Ironman and not a single superhero that we can call “ours” – so now it is time to invite you to meet a Russian, or more correctly, a USSR "Chekistman". We’re talking about a new, dynamic, action-packed film “Spy”, presented by the company YES.
The quality of special effects and graphics is no worse than that of the well-known “Matrix”, while the events take place in the Soviet Union that is on the brink of war.
Come and see this half-serious, half-ironic film, for it is originally directed, has a dashing storyline and is acted in with flair.
Snacks await you, and for the bravest of all, who come outfitted as superheroes, there will real prizes!
We meet at 8:00 pm, the film starts at 8:30pm. 
About the film: 
The movie “Spy” (2012) is a debut of the director Alexey Adrianov, and is based on the book “The Spy Novel” by Boris Akunin. It’s a sort of historic cinema-comic, where on one hand, Hitler runs a web-conference, but on the other hand, a serious historic event is presented – the fight between Soviet and German intelligence services in the decisive year of 1941. 
It’s worthwhile noting the successful work of the cinematographer and the CGI special effects, which realistically created an alternative Moscow during Stalin times, where in the place of the Church of Christ the Saviour, stands the Palace of the Soviets.
Danila Kozlovskiy plays the lead,  easily taking on the role of a superhero, while the well-known Fedor Bondarchuk plays a "stylish Major Oktyabrskiy." 
In our view, the film is stylishly similar even with good Hollywood “a la Tarantino”, but you can also see it as an adventurous and self-ironic action movie.
We think you will find it interesting to see this engaging film and to discuss the topic of superheroes and the Russian modern cinematography. 
Russia, 2012


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