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About us
What is this “Fishka” all about?
FISHKA is a community-based organization, enabling its members to become a part of social dynamic life of young Russian-speaking people in Israel. We are open to new members, who may join at any stage and enjoy our activities.
FISHKA provides its active members with knowledge and useful tools for the development of social, cultural and business skills and initiatives.
FISHKA’s mission is to maintain and expand the young Russian-speaking community based on the values of creativity, cultural influence, social engagement and involvement, - in context of the Jewish heritage and Israeli society.
Who are these Fishkers?
FISHKA’s community is primarily comprised of young Russian-speaking adults, who immigrated to Israel as children and teenagers from the Former Soviet Union. Consequently, these young people may be dealing with complex questions regarding their identity – they are Soviet-born, Russian-speaking immigrants, Jewish and Israeli all at the same time. The arising questions that therefore concern us are:
How would our different and conflicting social identities merge with the multi-cultural society of the State of Israel?
How can we be an active part of contemporary Israeli culture and social being, based on our “Russian” roots and Jewish heritage?
FISHKA’s purpose is to deal with these questions systematically, using creative ways and providing constructive solutions, in order to make the lives of our community members more purposeful, socially useful, and personally rewarding.
How Fishka works?
Fishka is a community based learning organization. Fishka develops its organizational structure by piloting new projects, providing the leaders with ongoing training and setting decision-making meetings.
Fishka is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, based in Tel Aviv. We are always looking for new relationships, friendships and partnerships, as well as for innovative social and cultural ideas. We want to enrich our community life, and to contribute to the development of the wider Jewish community.
“Fishka” is a Russian expression for small and colorful game-token.
When we want to get lucky, we say – “Let the Fishka fall good”.
In slang, the word “Fishka” means the uniqueness that makes us special.
Without “Fishka” things become boring and useless.
We are thankful for all the help and kind support of the following organizations and funds: