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Event Fishka Cinemaclub Best Short Films of Kinotavr International Festival
Fishka Cinemaclub Best Short Films of Kinotavr International Festival
- Date: 24 , November 2012, Saturday
- Time: 20:00
- Place: Fishka House
- Project: Cinema Club
- Facebook event
Dear friends, we are pleased to invite you to the screening of the best short films, presented at the "KINOTAVR. SHORTS" COMPETITION of the 23rd Kinotavr Open Russian Film Festival.. We will be showing 5 shorts in Russian with English subtitles.
Please note: the movie starts at 8 pm sharp, doors open at 19:00, please come on time as Fishka house can only accommodate a limited number of guests.
Location: Tel Aviv, Eilat st. 7
Free Entry.