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- Date: 10 , March 2012, Saturday
- Time: 16:00
- Place: Fishka House
- Project: Community Life
- Facebook event
Dear friends,
Now that the Spring is out breaking after the rainy Mediterranean winter, you are cordially invited to welcome the season of blooming and revival at our Special Spring Milonga!
And what is a Spring Milonga without a Special Spring Surprise?! LIVE TANGO MUSIC at Fishka! Performance by Polina Kozhevnikova –violin (Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra) and Ephraim Schoenfeld - bandeneon with the best classic Tango pieces.
Before the milonga at 15:00 - FREE tango LESSON for beginners with the leading teacher from Argentina in Israel, Silvia Rajschmir!! We encourage people who do NOT dance tango yet to join us! Come to a trial class, and perhaps you'll like to join our weekly Tango classes at Fishka!
Entry 45 nis including a glass of wine and free hot and light beverages. Free entry to non-tangueros.
The milonga will take place at Fishka House, just on the border between Tel-Aviv and Jaffa, Eilat st. 7, on Sat, March the 10th, 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm.
Free parking.
Come for the Spring is already here!