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Event Classical Indian music concert by Alokesh Chandra
Classical Indian music concert by Alokesh Chandra
- Date: 15 , September 2012, Saturday
- Time: 21:00
- Place: Fishka House
- Project: Community Life
- Facebook event
Alokesh Chandra presents an ancient art of Indian classical music. He has been studying in India since 1996 in traditional Gurukul system under great masters of Indian music such as Ravi Shankar, Shyamal Chatterjee and Partho Sarothy. Since 1999 Alokesh has been performing and teaching in India, Europe and Israel.
Alokesh is the founder and the chairman of Alankara – Indian Classical Music Society, Vienna. It is an institution which is focused on promoting Indian music through teaching and performing. For more information please visit www.alankara.com
Indian music history goes back approximately 4000 years. This ancient art is a universal language, which can be understood by sincere and receptive listeners of any nation. Through this language musicians try to share the immortal Light of the Soul. Indian classical music is based of improvising within traditional rules. It is a spontaneous expression of emotions, which is unique and always new at the performance.