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Tango - Little Tel-Aviv Milonga
LITTLE TEL-AVIV MILONGA @ FISHKA 14.04// Special Dish//free tango lesson
Little Tel Aviv Milonga
Little Tel-Aviv Milonga
Little Tel-Aviv Milonga @ Fishka || Yoga for Two Workshop w/ Guy Yarom
Farewell, Fishka - Little Tel-Aviv Milonga
Official Info
Meeting with Taglit Media Group at Fishka, 02/01/2012
Dina Shkolnik
PR Manager
Born in St.Petersburg, Russia, Dina immigrated to Israel in 1990 with her family. Graduated from Tel-Aviv Arts High-School “IroniAlef”, majoring in Theater studies, as well as from Tel-Aviv based Russian Theater studio. Holds a BA degree in English Linguistics and Information Science from Bar-Ilan University.
Dina is an Online Marketing specialist with over 7 years' experience in online marketing and advertising industry. She has been involved in various Fishka projects for the last few years. Presently, holds a position of PR Manager with Fishka.
Loves people, black music, hoodies and strong sweet tea. Dances argentinian tango.